
  •  The leaked schematics left little to the imagination and it actually took too long for people to dress them in proper attire


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Showing posts with label windows 10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label windows 10. Show all posts

Windows 10 to bring USB OTG functionality

Microsoft is slowly but steadily catching up to Android, and is planning to bring USB OTG capabilities along with Windows 10. The feature has been supported on Google’s OS since its 3.1 version, and by now has become virtually ubiquitous.
The official announcement will take place at the Windows Hardware Engineering Community event, which will be held a couple of weeks from now on March 18-19 in Schenzhen.
A dedicated briefing will detail the usage scenarios of the new functionality. The wired connectivity will allow your Windows smartphone to interact with USB peripherals or set up an external display for you laptop, both using the new USB Type-C connector.
USB Dual Role specifies the power supply source of the link between the two connected devices, with the OTG A-device being the source and also the initial host. The host/peripheral relation can be exchanged at a latter stage.
Alternate mode support is also in the works, offering MHL, Thunderbolt and DisplayPort connectivity over the same USB Type-C port. Adding to that, a Power Delivery protocol will enable devices to supply/draw up to 100W of power over USB.

XDA-Devs find way to install Windows 10 on any Lumia

The Windows 10 Technical Preview was released this Thursday, but only for select phones. Now thanks to an XDA-Developers hack you can install it on just about any Lumia that you are not using.
That last bit is important since this can brick your device. People have reported success with various phones, including the Lumia 720, which has just 512MB RAM. The update is officially available for 512MB phones, though there's a possibility they won't get all features in the final build.
Anyway, the update has worked on a Lumia 930 and a Lumia 1320 bought from different carriers, though some are reporting issues on Lumia 920 and 520.
You can read the step-by-step guide for the update in this thread, plus reports on how others fared and some troubleshooting. The process is fairl involved and not for the faint of heart and once again it could brick your device.

Microsoft confirms Windows 10 for phones will support both the new Start background and the old Tiles wallpaper

Microsoft introduced a new type of desktop background in Windows 10 for phones – the wallpaper now spreads over the background space, while the tiles become transparent so you can enjoy the picture behind them.
While this new options was welcomed by lots of people, some of the users still preferred the Windows Phone 8.1 way where the image you’ve selected was displayed on the tiles instead of behind. It was quite a cool and unique feature.
Windows 10 Technical Preview for phones kicked off yesterday and the promised full blown background is indeed available. When asked on the previous version of this features, Joe Belfiore responded over Twitter that Microsoft will be offering both options in the upcoming Windows 10 releases. This means you will be able to choose between no background, “full background” and “in tiles wallpaper”.
It’s nice to see Microsoft listening to the user requests and building the next Windows with all the insiders’ feedback in mind. We’ve already installed the Technical Preview and we’ll keep you in the loop as new features are added in.

Windows 10 Technical Preview now available for phones

As leaked last week, the very first release of Windows 10 Technical Preview for phones is now out. You can download and install it on one of just six smartphones that are currently supported.

Microsoft promises more handsets will be added to subsequent Preview builds in the future, but for now you can only proceed if you own a Lumia 630Lumia 635Lumia 636, Lumia 638Lumia 730, or Lumia 830.
The software giant also notes that this is a "very early" preview, which means many things may break or not work right from the start. Bugs are to be expected, and there's a very long list of known issues at the Source link.
The user experience isn't polished yet, and you will see rough edges here and there. Microsoft says it's sharing it now for you to be able to give it feedback and help shape the final Windows 10 release for phones.

As described in the presentation video above, the Windows 10 Technical Preview for phones comes with a small subset of the features that will be in the final build. The full-size background image for the Start screen is in, as are more quick actions in the Action Center, and interactive notifications.
The speech-to-text ability of the OS has been improved significantly, and the more powerful Photos app will aggregate your local photos with those you have stored on OneDrive.
For now, Cortana will be limited to the US and will only work with English, which is a step back from its functionality in the latest version of Windows Phone 8.1. That said, Microsoft promises that by the time Windows 10 is finished, its virtual assistant will be more capable than it ever was.
Coming in future builds will be the Office universal apps, as well as the new Mail and Calendar apps and Skype integrated directly into Messaging.
If you own one of the aforementioned supported devices and wish to take Windows 10 for phones for a spin, you need to first join the Windows Insider Program. Then you install the Windows Insider app, start it up, register your device, then check for updates. As work on Windows 10 for phones progresses, you'll get all the new builds, including the final one when that's out.

How Cortana on Windows 10 came to be a part of it

Cortana is just one of the many new features that Windows 10 will bring to eager users. But among the overwhelming sea of new performance and experience improvements, cross-device support and advanced features it is easy to overlook the seemingly plain assistant ant its place in the new OS.
The truth is that Cortana is aiming to be a truly inspired and innovative take on assistant software which has gone far beyond the clever voice search tool it started out as on Windows Phone devices. The team behind the software has taken the time to walk interested users through the steps it took to create the assistant and explain how clever and personal it can actually be. This was done through a rather lengthy blog post on Microsoft’s website and a short video that can be seen below.
Here is the gist of what Cortana actually is the way its creators actually see it. And their description of Cortana conveys a pretty clear picture:
Cortana gets to know you and helps you get things done, all while letting you interact naturally and easily. By learning more about you over time, Cortana becomes increasingly useful every day. She will learn your preferences, provide quick access to information, and make recommendations personalized for you. You’re always in control of what Cortana knows and manages on your behalf.
The creative team is really excited about Cortana on Windows 10 as that is where the software will really be able to spread its wings and uncover its full potential. While working on the assistant the team had three main goals to focus on:
Cortana is above all personal. It really gets to know you with the ultimate goal of really aiding you in the right way at the right time. But while the possibility of a software being aware of your personality and adapting to it sound truly exciting it is also equally frightening, which is why Microsoft has put special emphasis on protection and security.
A special Notebook feature will allow you to view and adjust what Cortana knows about you and has access too at any given point and it is the team’s goal to make all of your interactions with the assistant as useful, timely and non-intrusive as possible.
Cortana’s most prominent feature is that it truly comes with a personality of its own. Microsoft put special emphasis on communication aiming for a fluent and natural discourse model that ultimately aims to make Cortana feel like an actual person. While this is not a new concept, Cortana promises to break new ground by delivering truly life-like interactions.
Our approach on personality includes defining a voice with an actual personality. This included writing a detailed personality, and laying out how we wanted Cortana to be perceived. We used words like witty, confident and loyal to describe how Cortana responds through voice, text and animated character. We wrote an actual script based on this definition that is spoken by a trained voice actress with thousands of responses to questions that will have variability to make Cortana feel like it has an actual personality and isn’t just programmed with robotic responses.
Cracking jokes, imitating dialects and seamlessly integrating into work and leisure across all your devices, this is the future that Microsoft plans for Cortana. The personal assistant is poised as the next big time-saver to ease you in the increasingly frantic and information rich lifestyle and the front stage position in Windows 10 can really make this a reality. One can hope, there’s more than just PR talk in all this.

Windows 10 RTM will happen in June, rumor says

According to a new rumor on the matter, Microsoft is targeting June as the month during which Windows 10 will be “released to manufacturing” (RTM). Once it hits RTM, the OS will be finalized, with no additions coming in after that point. The RTM process refers to Microsoft giving the finalized OS bits to its partners – some of which build computers running the software, and others who actually write those Windows DVDs people still apparently buy.
Obviously this is a rumor and nothing more at this point. So it could turn out to be just a figment of someone’s imagination. Even if this info is accurate now, timelines are known to slip when it comes to software, keep that in mind. It would make sense for Microsoft to do things this way, though, as an RTM in June would ensure we’ll see actual devices running Windows 10 being offered for sale in time for the “back to school” season.
Traditionally Microsoft’s Windows releases hit the RTM stage in or around August. But this meant new hardware running the new OS would only be out in October, missing the “back to school” sales. Maybe this time things will be different.

Joe Belfiore tweets: Windows 10 update for 512MB phones coming soon

Microsoft promised that the Windows 10 update is coming to "most" of the Lumia phones, but that meant some are not getting it. One suggestion was that it will be phones with 512MB RAM that will get the axe as even the lowly Lumia 435 has 1GB of RAM.
But no – Joe Belfiore (VP of Operating Systems) confirmed on Twitter that Microsoft is working on an update for those phones. Note that "working on" is not the same as "will certainly release." Also, Belfiore says that "features may vary," the timing of the update is variable as well.
The Lumia 520 alone makes up 23.8% of the Windows Phone devices worldwide, but most of the others in the Top 10 are also 512MB devices. In short, if 512MB devices miss out on Windows 10 it would have been a major blow to the platform.
It's sill not clear which features will be cut. In fact it's not particularly clear what new features Windows 10 will add to phones, beyond the universal app platform. Limiting features is not a new practice, Apple has been doing it with iOS and older iPhones for years.

This month Microsoft will be releasing the first test build of Windows 10 for phones to the Insiders community that is helping with the beta testing. This will give us a better idea of what the new phone OS will be like.

Win 10 Tech Preview for phones tipped to release early next week

Just a couple of days ago, some screenshots of Windows 10 Technical Preview for Phones were spotted in the wild, and now it looks like the first preview build will be available to Windows Insiders soon.
According to an NPU report, the build (8.15.12495.44) will be released on Monday, February 9 at 9 am PST.
"This build is currently being tested by Microsoft employees and if no major bugs are found it will be released for Windows Insiders on Monday morning," the report said, adding that "not all the phones will get the first preview build, but more phones will be supported in the upcoming updates."
A point worth mentioning is that the news came in the form of an anonymous tip, and NPU itself is sceptical about its authenticity, so you are advised to take it with a healthy pinch of salt.

Universal Microsoft Office apps arrive on Windows 10 Technical Preview

Microsoft rolled out universal Office apps for Windows 10 Technical Preview. The trio includes Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
The touch-optimized applications are available for desktops, notebooks, and tablets with Windows 10 installed. The Redmond giant will open up the apps’ preview to smartphones in the weeks ahead.
Windows 10 Technical Preview users can seek out the apps in the Windows Store Beta. If you happen to be one of those users, feel free to drop us a line with your thoughts on the apps in the comments.

Windows 10 double-height live tiles accidentally revealed by a Microsoft employee

While there have been numerous reports about double height live tiles in the recent past, we never got a real-world glimpse of the feature in action, but that was until now.
A Microsoft employee by the name of Vesku Paananen tweeted a picture (see above) showing a variety of systems running Windows 10. Apparently, he didn’t realize that the image also contained a phone with a double height live tile.
Although the image, which was first spotted by the Finnish blog Bestmobileblog, has since been deleted, it does show that Windows 10 for phones might still have some surprises in store.

Alleged QHD Lumia 2520 successor surfaces in GFXBench

The popular testing application GFXBench has long been a plentiful, albeit often confusing source of hardware leaks for new devices. This is precisely the case with a recently revealed tablet specs sheet. The information cited on the website seems to revel a rather powerful new piece of hardware with a 10.1-ich screen putting it squarely in tablet territory, and a QHD (2560 x 1440 pixels) resolution.

The rumor mill leads us to believe that this is a future successor to the Lumia 2520, but something in the specs sheet just doesn't add up. The GPU in the report is announced as Qualcomm Adreno 420, which is found in the Snapdragon 805 SoC. This is all fine, but the problem is the OS of the device is listed as Windows and this most probably refers to Windows 10.
Microsoft has really been pitching its new One Windows strategy lately and it comes as no surprise that a new line of powerful hardware is required to really allow the now OS version to take off once it hits consumer markets. One of the pressing questions that were recently answered about Windows 10 is how it will behave on smaller devices.

Raspberry Pi 2 announced for $35 with quad Cortex-A7 and Windows 10

Out of the blue the new Raspberry Pi 2 is official. It’s a successor to the B+ model and features the same hardware arrangement (1x Ethernet, 4x USB 2.0), but a much upgraded CPU – a quad-core Cortex-A7 at 900MHz. The best part is that Microsoft will provide a free Windows 10 version!
All this for the same $35 price tag.
The old ARMv6 single core processor has been replaced by a quad-core Cortex-A7 (ARMv7) and is “6 times faster.” I put that in quotes because depending on workload – say SunSpider – just one of the four cores can be 4 times faster than the original Pi processor. The new instruction set has a potential for a 20x increase in video decoding performance.
Also, the RAM has been doubled to 1GB. There’s no Model A 2 for now though that hasn’t been ruled out. The chipset uses the same GPU as before, which should still be pretty fast. It’s the only 3D GPU with a public documentation, which makes it the only viable choice for a system that values openness.
In terms of software, the Raspberry Pi 2 will use the same ARMv6 Raspbian (based on Debian) at launch, but the ARMv7 version of Debian is being tasted to see if it’s faster or a hybrid between the two will be a better option. There’s an ARMv7 version of Ubuntu available right now.
The best part is that Microsoft will release a Raspberry Pi 2-compatible version of Windows 10, for free! In 2013 the Pi got a free version of Mathematica package, but this is pretty huge – with the extra horse power and a familiar OS, the Pi 2 will make a decent, extremely cheap computer for regular folks as well as tech enthusiasts.
You can find more info on the special Windows 10 version.
The new Raspberry Pi 2 is available now at $35 from elements14 and RS Components (others too), while the B+ model will continue to be available (for industrial customers who prefer well-tested hardware over extra performance). The Raspberry Pi A+ will still be available at $20, a second generation replacement is not expected this year.

8 core Windows 10 phones expected to arrive soon

January 21 marked an important milestone for Microsoft as the Windows 10 Next chapter event took place and revealed an amazing amount of new information concerning the future of the popular OS on both desktop and portable devices. One of the things that became abundantly clear is that us tech giant is really making progress and investing in its new One Windows philosophy.
Windows 10 on smartphones and tablets will essentially share the core of the full distribution and more importantly will support a uniform app ecosystem that allows the same applications to be used seamlessly across the entire range of Windows 10-powered devices. This is all very exciting, but even though Microsoft cleared the smoke around a lot of aspects of the new OS there are still some pressing questions of availability and future devices. As we have already reported, the new OS will surely be available for the Microsoft Lumia 435, 735 and 930 and if Microsoft keeps its word, most other current Lumia devices as well. This is an admirable decision, but we can’t help that the Microsoft mobile family is severely lacking on flagship models lately. Luckily this might change pretty soon.
This is more than a simple hunch and is backed up by a few recent facts. First, the extended hardware support that was promised to arrive with Windows Phone 8.1 GDR2 is now set to ship with Windows 10, so support will be present. From there it is just a matter of producing the right hardware and a recent GDC session, titled “Sustained Gaming Performance in Multi-Core Mobile Devices (Presented by Microsoft)”, may just confirm such plans:
Modern mobile devices and smartphones are reaching the computing capabilities reserved until recently for desktop PCs. Windows 10 phones and tablets with 8 CPUs and very powerful GPUs are expected soon. Despite significant progress in reducing power consumption these devices are able to draw more power under sustained load than can be safely dissipated with current passive cooling technologies. Windows 10 and the hardware it runs on are designed to safely handle such situations, mostly by reducing the system performance – which could affect game-play negatively. Learn to counter this effect by designing games that achieve sustained thermal-to-quality tradeoffs in these systems.This sounds promising enough, but for the time being “near-future” is a very vague concept. However we are still hoping to see new flagship Lumia phones in 2015.

Windows 10 will bring FLAC support on phones and small tablets

Joe Belfiore, Corporate Vice President, Operating Systems Group at Microsoft has been busy on Twitter answering a lot of questions around the future of Windows 10. Ever since last week’s event, when Microsoft showcased a lot of exciting details about the future of its popular OS and the tech world users have been impatient to receive answers to a few pressing question, mostly regarding Windows 10 on mobile devices.
The smoke was already clear around legacy app support on smaller devices and today Joe has shared another much anticipated piece of information – namely that Windows 10 on mobile devices will have native FLAC support.Built-in lossless audio playback in desktop distributions of the OS has been discussed on numerous occasions and was confirmed relatively early in Windows 10′s lifecycle. However users were not exactly sure what to expect on the mobile front. As it turns out every eligible Windows mobile will receive FLAC support as well, but in later build. Insiders will perhaps have a chance to take a sneak peak first, but even they still have some waiting to do.

Microsoft confirms desktop apps and experience only on 8-inch and larger Windows 10 tablets

Last week all eyes were on Microsoft and the announcement-rich event, held on January 21. A lot of groundbreaking and game-changing plans were unveiled to make the next installment of the OS a truly revolutionary experience. But perhaps the thing that excites us the most is the future of Windows on mobile devices.
Microsoft has made it clear that it will spare no resource in following its One Windows strategy and unifying the user experience across all devices. This, of course includes the unification of the app ecosystem, allowing developers to write code that works seamlessly across PCs, smartphones, tables and even Xbox consoles.
Today Joe Belfiore, Corporate Vice President, Operating Systems Group at Microsoft mentioned on Twitter that the company has rethought its mobile strategy and will now include a full desktop experience and Win32 apps only on devices with screes of 8 inches and more. This is not the case with Windows 8.1 which allows for a full desktop version to run on 7-inch devices. The US tech giant apparently found that to be rather inconvenient from a user standpoint and is slashing the support in the name of a better overall user experience.
But with all this talk of apps and different apps on different devices and a unified platform things often get a little confusing so what does this announcement really mean? Well to try and put it simply Windows 8.1 currently has two main set of apps. One the one hand we have traditional win32 applications, that have been the norm on PCs and then we have Microsoft’s new RT shell, or the touch optimized, tiled, Metro UI interface, which offers its own set applications.
Some software packages, like Skype and most browsers for example, are available in both variations, but they are still different apps. This was primarily done to target early generation Windows tablets and to some extent Windows-powered smartphones with a new set of apps, tailored specifically to them.
Windows 10 want to bridge this gap even better by making sure that any app written to comply with the new app ecosystem will run across PC’s, tablets, smartphones and even Xbox, but this still only concerns the aforementioned new kind of applications. The traditional PC style win32 apps are a totally different breed and will not be affected by this new change.
What Joe Belfiore is essentially saying is that manufacturers will be allowed to put full versions of Windows 10 which include a desktop and consequently win32 application on devices with 8-inch screens and above. Anything below that, be it a small tablet or smartphone will essentially be limited to using only the new unified application platform and the apps it provides.

Microsoft confirms more frequent Windows 10 builds, next coming soon!!

Microsoft rolled out Windows 10 Build 9879 to the members of the Windows Insider Program back in November, and it turned out to be the last build for the year 2014. The next build (9926) arrived just a few days ago, which means after a gap of more than two months.
While that particular delay between could be attributed to the holiday season, the company has said that it won’t be the case from now on. While answering a user question, a Windows team member has confirmed that the Redmond, Washington-based company will be releasing new Windows 10 builds faster from now on – at least one per month.
He also confirmed that the next build, which will bring back Start Screen translucency, is coming soon. We are yet to get a specific date for that, though.

Cortana and Xbox features comes with the new build of Windows 10 Technical Preview, Out Now!

Following its very detailed “briefing” about Windows 10 a couple of days ago, Microsoft has today released the January update for the Technical Preview of its next OS. This can now be downloaded from the dedicated site, and you can even get an ISO file if you so wish.
The January build comes with many new features, and probably the most important new things inside of it are Cortana and the new Xbox app.
While the latter doesn’t yet support streaming games from an Xbox One to a PC, it does let you view friends’ activity, post to timeline, and view game DVR videos. And there’s an important caveat to note about Microsoft’s personal assistant, namely that it’s currently available in US English only. As you may expect, it does sync to Windows Phone.
The new Action Center has replaced the Charms bar, and it houses notifications, quick action keys, and settings. The People, Outlook, Photos, and Maps apps have been updated. A new “smart snap” mode is in, which shows you a list of running apps when you snap another app, assuming that you’d want to snap an additional one after that.
Continuum lets you switch between tablet and PC mode with one click (or tap). For the Surface Pro 3, the switch should automatically be employed when you attach or remove its keyboard.
This is it for now. Other things such as the Project Spartan browser or the new touch-optimized Office suite are not to be found in this particular build of the Technical Preview. They will be coming in the following months through the Insider program, though.

Windows 10 for mobile, will give Android some competition?

Windows 10 product family
Microsoft made a few huge announcements yesterday, primary of which was the introduction of Windows 10. One huge feature stood out for us, the fact that Windows 10 will work across all of your available platforms, from the PC to your tablet, and even on your phone.
Microsoft has been struggling a bit in playing catch up with the leading mobile hardware and software vendors around the globe. Windows 8 began down the road to mobile friendly functionality, it was certainly built with touchscreen input in mind, but it somehow felt like an incomplete operating system to many, with a UI that made sense for a tablet experience, but lacked in old school Windows functionality on the desktop.
Windows 10 screen
While Windows 8 is still the prevalent desktop OS, Microsoft has had to rely on a separate OS altogether for mobile. Windows Phone 8.1 is the current iteration, found mostly on the Microsoft owned Nokia devices, plus a small selection of HTC and other handsets.
Windows 10 is a new approach, the same OS is capable of installing on the various devices, where it offers a differing UI for each form factor. From what Microsoft showed off in their announcement, the phone UI brings with it the typical functionality we have all come to expect from our mobile devices. Home screens, settings menus, a phone book, a web browser and more.

What’s new

Windows 10 will rock a new web browser, code named Project Spartan. Cortana is a huge element to the new OS. Universal Apps make for a consistent experience across devices. Action Center eases settings control and syncs data and notifications across devices. Expanded Xbox integration goes beyond sharing game clips, streaming full games to your Windows 10 PC or tablet.
Windows 10 Phone
Looking at the new Universal Apps approach, there will be a few limitations as developers work around the x86 vs ARM architectures, but the goal is for one app to work on all of your gear. In addition to the app itself, there has been a focus on services.
Users familiar with the advanced photo functionality of Google+ should be comfortable with most of the Windows 10 Photo capabilities.
Your photos will show together in the Photos app, they will be automatically organized into sections and albums. Small touch-ups will happen automatically as well, such as red eye reduction. Best of all, photos will be a part of the new synchronization technology available on your Windows 10 phone in the Action Center. As is true for Google+ users, you’ll be able to get to your full photo collection regardless the device you are using.
Windows 10 Photos app
A new messaging app seamlessly jumps between your SMS and IM communications, with Skype integration bringing video to the mix.
There is even a floating on-screen keyboard in Windows 10. Just swipe with your finger to re-locate it wherever you need it.

Should Android and other mobile be worried?

This is a tough one to answer. When it comes to walking into a cell phone store, one usually has to go looking for the Windows Phones hidden on the back shelf. Android and iOS devices have all but monopolized the industry. In these spaces, Microsoft has a long road ahead of them.
When viewing Windows 10 as a service, as many business and educational institutions may do, Windows phones and tablets take on a new appeal. If outfitting a large group of your employees or students with Windows PCs, a matching Windows tablet or phone is an easy sale.
google plus play store
Android, for many, is a powerful OS because it integrates so well with the Google ecosystem of apps and services. Microsoft has a growing user base of OneDrive and Outlook.com users that may become very interested in a phone that directly ties into those services.
As Microsoft expands their services, Windows 10 becomes a larger threat to Android. As a side note, with all of that said, Samsung has worked hard to build their own ecosystem, a roughly mirror image of Google’s own Android apps and mobile related services. Yet, Samsung’s Tizen OS has struggled to take off, so far.
Perhaps one move that Microsoft has done right with Windows 10, is adjust their pricing structure to be more in-line with other Mobile OSs. That’s right, as you have probably already read, for a wide selection of upgrade paths, Windows 10 is free. We are eager to learn what the price will be for those not upgrading. Android remains free, and open, Microsoft will have to keep that in mind as they try to compete.
Microsoft Windows 10 free

Final thoughts

If the going success of Windows Phone and the once-great Nokia are to be considered when measuring future threat to Android, we might just say that Android’s market share has nothing to worry about. However, Microsoft has had time to watch and learn, by all accounts, it appears that they are doing things right with Windows 10. We’ll have to wait and see if that translates into smartphone sales.
What do you say, is Windows 10 a viable threat to Android market share, or is this just another Microsoft OS, doomed to be mocked and kept to your PC?

Microsoft Windows 10, a free update!!

Microsoft has unveiled their latest operating system the Windows 10. And it does come with a surprise, users using windows 7, windows 8.1 and WP 8.1 can get the Windows 10 upgrade absolutely free.

The company will be offering the upgrade for free in the first year from the day the OS is officially launched. ‘Free in the first year’ – not sure what this exactly mean. It could be a 1 year period for users using windows 7, 8.1 and WP 8.1 to upgrade for free, and if they plan to update after that period it will come for a price. Or it could be subscription base.

The first thing that you will notice on the Windows 10 OS is the start button, yes it’s back and it is a mixture of menu and the start screen. If you have used the latest windows
OS you will be aware of the desktop view and the start
menu (tiles) view – on Window 10 they are merged and There are a lot of improvements command prompt gets keyboard shortcuts, improved windows explorer (tabs added), apps in window store are compatible with windows 10, the new OS got new icons, Cortana (personal assistant) built in and the best part is the continuum that is built in – it can detect changes in the system and switch mode accordingly (for example when using touch and non-touch screen, keyboard removed etc).
As the WIN 10 upgrade is free ,hence will not pose any hike in pricing of laptop / desktop. Windows 10 will be launched soon and it’s free for those using Windows 7, 8.1 and WP 8.1. In case if you are still using Windows 8.0 you will need to upgrade to 8.1 and then only you can upgrade to Windows 10.

Skype integration in Windows 10

With Windows 10 coming down Skype will be becoming into to a part of the OS itself, both on phones and on the desktop. The new app can now sync its contact book with that of your phone and your email and update will also handle your SMS messages as well along with your Skype messages, which will let you stay in touch even if your friends are using an Android or an Apple product independent of the though Microsoft didn't describe how it would work.
Though coming to the desktop, the app will dig into the task-bar so it’s always handy. It can only send SMS messages using Skype Credit though, while it still seems that it'll be missing the option  to write an SMS on your computer and route it through the phone just like what you can do with an iPhone and a Mac.

Anyway, voice and video calls remain a central part of the Skype experience and will work on all form factors. And due to courtesy of Windows 10, there will be very little setup needed before you start chatting and calling.


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