
  •  The leaked schematics left little to the imagination and it actually took too long for people to dress them in proper attire


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From now on OnePlus One will be available every Tuesday without an invite

As we already reported, OnePlus is making the One available without an invite tomorrow in India. However, the company additionally revealed in a blog post that the promotion stretches far wider than that. The open sale will take place every Tuesday from now on and to every market they sell the device.
The sales of the phone will be open 24 hours starting at 8AM GMT. On the rest six days of the week, the company is keeping the invite system and says invite generation hasn't stopped.
The slight amendment in the OnePlus One sales model comes after the company received numerous complaints from potential buyers that the phone was too hard to buy. The effect of the company's policy will be seen in the next financial report. For the last year, OnePlus shipped nearly one million units.

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