Windows 10 RTM will happen in June, rumor says

According to a new rumor on the matter, Microsoft is targeting June as the month during which Windows 10 will be “released to manufacturing” (RTM). Once it hits RTM, the OS will be finalized, with no additions coming in after that point. The RTM process refers to Microsoft giving the finalized OS bits to its partners – some of which build computers running the software, and others who actually write those Windows DVDs people still apparently buy.
Obviously this is a rumor and nothing more at this point. So it could turn out to be just a figment of someone’s imagination. Even if this info is accurate now, timelines are known to slip when it comes to software, keep that in mind. It would make sense for Microsoft to do things this way, though, as an RTM in June would ensure we’ll see actual devices running Windows 10 being offered for sale in time for the “back to school” season.
Traditionally Microsoft’s Windows releases hit the RTM stage in or around August. But this meant new hardware running the new OS would only be out in October, missing the “back to school” sales. Maybe this time things will be different.