Introduction about my creepy tech lusty minded idea

hi folks!!
today i am begining with my blogging and going to write it as long AS you people go on supporting it..
we'll go on to all the intros and all but first of all, Myself vikky and i am a young lad, from NEW DELHI hanging in the middle of the life thinking what should i do with this creepy boring life when it struck hard
That helping you guys out and writing about my favourite passtime stuff would be awesome ,
SO in my blogs i am gonna write about all the Latest techhy and geeky stuffs and discuss about the latest 
MOBILES , TABLETS ,TVs to ACs  and Down to every little smart electronic gadget , from memory card to fuel powered power bank , 
YOU should have have been thinking that theres nothing new to it , but YES , i'll say you are right as there are already so many tech blogging websites that provide you with so many details . the ONLY thing NEW here is that , I'll discuss about them from the consumer point of view ,, which i already am and ANOTHER THING is that you can ask as many questions you want on any topic you want related to electronics and gadgets,.,,,.. as i already told you that i'm too bored and willing to do some fun stuff which is all that i mentioned above.. 
BTW you'll have to wait till the 21st january for my first tech related blogg so keep checking this space for all the updates,,..