Flipboard finally launches Web version

The Flipboard app is pretty popular on iOS, Android, and Windows Phone, and now the magazine-like news reading experience has finally received a Web version too. Flipboard for the desktop is here now, already accessible at Flipboard.com.
So far Flipboard has prefered to remain a mobile-only offering, but the time was apparently right for it to move to the Web too. This has to do with the Web itself having evolved recently, a consequence of that being that now Flipboard is confident that it can offer its “print-like aesthetic” in this space too.
Flipboard Web has responsive layouts for different screen sizes, a new scrolling interface, as well as interactions triggered by your mouse. It algorithmically recommends topics and magazines you may like. And if you have an account, you can obviously log in so that everything you do to personalize your Flipboard experience will also show up on your phone or tablet.