Sesame Phone is world’s first completely touch-free smartphone, designed for the mobility impaired

Sesame Enable has developed a smartphone that’s completely touch free, allowing users with disabilities to use and control the device simply by moving their head. Dubbed Sesame Phone, the Android handset is basically a modified Nexus 5 that features proprietary head-tracking technology.
The idea originated when Giora Livne, who himself is disabled, saw a computer game that could be controlled with head movement. He along with Oded Ben Dov, the game’s developer, then founded Sesame Enable to bring the idea to life. They had also started an Indiegogo campaign to help raise funds for the project, and they reached their goal last month.
The $1,000 device is aimed at people with spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, Lou Gehrig’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and arthritis. It recently won a “Verizon Powerful Answers’ Award”, with a $1 million prize.