
  •  The leaked schematics left little to the imagination and it actually took too long for people to dress them in proper attire


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Sony might not hold formal press conference at MWC 2015

MWC 2015 is just a few weeks away now and all eyes are on the major mobile players. Everybody seems to be preparing to bring their A material to the venue. Everybody with one notable exception as it appears. Despite imminent fan disappointment, Sony might just skip on formalities and not do a major press conference in Barcelona.
According to industry sources the Japanese tech giant will most likely keep a low profile this year and avoid the big stage and live streams of previous years. This is somewhat understandable considering that Sony might not have much new hardware to show at the venue.
Earlier this week another inside rumor hinted that the eagerly anticipated Xperia Z4 flagship will not be unveiled at MWC. Instead the company will rely on the Z3 with a brand new purple makeover along with a few new midrange offers.
Sony might not have a lot to brag at MWC, but it is still not going to miss the event. The company’s booth will be formally open on Monday March 2, as was hinted earlier and despite the absence of the Z4 the tech giant is sure to still have at least a few interesting things in store.

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