
  •  The leaked schematics left little to the imagination and it actually took too long for people to dress them in proper attire


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Moto E and Moto Maxx getting Lollipop for real

Soak test over, now the Motorola Moto E is getting Lollipop for real. Joining the entry level handset is the flagship Motorola Moto Maxx. The Moto E update got a quick soak test in Brazil and India, while the Moto Maxx was tested in Brazil again and in Mexico.
Motorola hasn’t opened the floodgates though, the updates are continuing to roll out slowly to small test groups at first. If everything goes well, the update will expand to more users.

Moto E users should check that the Motorola Update Services on their phone is the latest version. It's on the Play Store so go do that while you wait for Android 5.0 Lollipop to come around.
Both Moto G generations have already received the update, as has the second-gen Moto X. The original Moto X is still waiting though, it turns out that unique chipset is slowing things down.

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