
  •  The leaked schematics left little to the imagination and it actually took too long for people to dress them in proper attire


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Motorola sold 3 million devices alone in India since Feb 2014

Back in February last year, Motorola made India’s largest e-commerce website Flipkart its exclusive online retail partner, and now, the Economic Times is reporting that the Lenovo-owned company has sold 3 million smartphones in the country since then, with Moto G and Moto E smartphones making up for more than half of the sales.
According to Amit Boni, head of Motorola’s India operations, the company considers India as a “critical market,” and is planning to increase its efforts in the country. Starting this year, the company will set up several Motorola experience centers that will also double up as service centers.
The report also notes that moving forward Motorola is planning to launch new handsets in India before other global markets, and may also bring Moto Maker to the country - China is the only Asian country where the create-your-own-design store is available as of now.

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